My name is Deshawn Sambrano, PhD. I received my from Harvard University studying Neuroscience, Economics, and Psychology in The Phelps Lab. As you probably already realized by now, I love all things Programming, Math, and Technology. So I decided to make this blog to talk about all my nerdy interest! As the site continues to grow, in addition to tutorial based posts, I want to include posts on data challenges, code snippets, and more!

To get the most of these post, its probably helpful to provide some high level structure. In the Navigation Bar, you will see the Topics which organizes all the posts into their relevant categories if you are looking for something specific. If you are hungry for more content, you can check the Additional Resources tab to see a plethora of great blogs, websites, and YouTube Channels that I personally recommend.

If you prefer video based content, I plan to add many (most?) of the posts to my YouTube, so feel free to subscribe to stay up to date (I just recently moved, so this will take some time to get started). Of course, I will be linking code for these tutorials on my GitHub. And in case you want to see some of my previous research, skillsets, and training go check out my website.